
编辑:新知生活百科 时间:2024-05-22 17:56


1. 词语祝福

1.1 祝你们七夕快乐,情人节幸福!

1.2 Wishing you a happy Qixi Festival filled with love and joy!

1.3 May your Qixi be filled with happiness and your love grow stronger each day!

2. 句子祝愿

2.1 愿你们的爱情如同牛郎织女,永远相守相伴。

2.2 May your love be like that of Niulang and Zhinü, forever inseparable.

2.3 Wishing you a love as timeless and enduring as the love of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

3. 表达祝福的短信或邮件

3.1 亲爱的,七夕快乐!在这个特别的日子里,我想对你说,我爱你,永远不变。愿我们的爱情像那一年一度的七夕一样,美好而珍贵。

3.2 Dear [Name], Happy Qixi! On this special day, I want to tell you that I love you, forever and always. May our love be as beautiful and precious as the Qixi Festival each year.

3.3 My dearest [Name], Happy Qixi! I feel so lucky to have you in my life. You bring me so much joy and happiness. Here's to many more Qixi celebrations together. I love you more than words can express.

4. 礼物赠送

4.1 一束鲜花,代表着我对你的爱意和祝福。

4.2 A bouquet of flowers, symbolizing my love and blessings for you.

4.3 Here's a small token of my love and appreciation for you on this special day. Happy Qixi!

5. 七夕节晚餐

5.1 订一桌浪漫的晚餐,共度七夕之夜。

5.2 Book a romantic dinner for two to celebrate the Qixi Festival together.

5.3 Let's enjoy a special dinner together to celebrate our love and the Qixi Festival.


